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Customizing Font in CSS.
In CSS font have flowing attributes.
1. Font-Family: (change font type.)
2. Font-Size: (To change Font size)
3. Font-Weight: (To change font Weight.)
4. Font-Style: (To Change Font Style.)
5. Text-Transform:(to Transform Text.)
6. Color: (To change Font Color.)
How to Use It.
Put one of those attribute and then put this ':' then put a value now end with this ';'
Ex. Font-Family: Value; Or Font-Family: Arial;
CSS Attributes and value for FONT
Attribute Font-Family: (To change font type.)
1. Arial
2. Arial Black
3. Cambria
4. Comic Sans MS
5. Marlett
6. Monotype Corsiva
6. MS Outlook
7. Papyrus
9. Rage Italic
10. Small Fonts
And more........
Attribute Font-Size: (To change Font size)
1. 10 to 100 by using px ex. 11px
2. xx-small
3. x-small
4. x-small
5. x-small
6. large
8. x-large
9. xx-large
10. smaller
And more..........
Attribute Font-Weight: (To change font Weight.)
1. normal
2. bold
3. Italic
4. lighter
5. bolder
6. inherit
7. 100
8. 200
9. 300
10. 400
And more.........
Attribute Font-Style: (To Change Font Style.)
1. italic
2. normal
3. oblique
4. inherit
Attribute Text-Transform:(to Transform Text.)
1. capitalize
2. lowercase
3. none
4. uppercase
5. inherit
Attribute Color: (To change Font Color.)
1. Black
2. Green
3. Red
4. Blue
5. pink
And [Color Codes]
Customizing Font in HTML.(For post comments and scrap)
To change font in HTML you have to use this tag <font></font>
In HTML font have flowing attributes.
1. Font-Family (change font type.)
2. Font-Size: (To change Font size)
3. Font-Weight: (To change font Weight.)
4. Font-Style: (To Change Font Style.)
5. Text-Transform:(to Transform Text.)
6. Color: (To change Font Color.)
Putting attributes in font tag.
Fist write down this "<font" now put a attribute then put this'=' now put a
value in between two quotation mark now end this with this '>' now put your text
and finish it by putting this </font>
Ex.<font Attribute="Value" >
Your Text Here.
<font size="3" >
Your Text Here.
<font size="3" face="Times">
Your Text Here.
Attribute | Example | Purpose |
size="number" | size="2" | Defines the font size |
size="+number" | size="+1" | Increases the font size |
size="-number" | size="-1" | Decreases the font size |
face="face-name" | face="Times" | Defines the font-name |
color="color-value" | color="#eeff00" | Defines the font color |
color="color-name" | color="red" | Defines the font color |
Customizing Font Using Span.
Using Span is so easy just flow this code.
<span style="Put CSS Font Code Here.">Your Text Here.</span>
<span style="font-weight: bold;">Your Text Here.</span>
For More Flow This Links: Text Style Code, Text Tricks .